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How Employees Benefit From Scheduling Apps

Today’s workforce can see huge benefits from the digital revolution. Hourly workers can save time and increase job satisfaction when shift scheduling and requests are automated. Not only do employees benefit from an automated scheduling system, but managers can use the time they would have spent creating schedules to help engage, support and retain employees

With the vIDix Scheduler Employee App, you can make hourly employees’ lives easier and empower them to make decisions on their schedule.

Stay Connected

Employees receive notifications of any schedule changes and have 24/7 access to their schedules online. Managers have the latest information to guarantee accurate staffing level at any time of the day.

Shift Sign Up

When additional employees are needed for a shift, post the shift opening for employees to view. Interested employees can sign up for the shift and shift-defined rules can automatically select and schedule the employee best meeting the shift needs.

Shift Swaps

Eliminate the confusion undocumented shift swaps can cause. Managers no longer have to remember who is coming in for a shift when employees have switched shifts with each other. Employees are able to request to swap shifts with other employees. Once both employees agree to the swap, managers are notified and have final approval of the swap. The approved swap automatically updates the schedule.


Employees often have other commitments outside of work. Whether it be school classes or volunteer work, employees no longer need to worry about getting scheduled on days they are busy. Easily add availability and when a manager creates a schedule it will take this into consideration.

Request Time Off

Often an employee’s time off request can get lost in a stack of paper work. By having employee submit time off through the scheduling application, the manager is notified, can review the request and approve or deny it. If approved the time off will be added to the employee’s schedule.

To start automating your employee schedule, contact us today. 952-888-6688 or


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