Use the latest technology to optimize the performance of your building’s critical life safety solutions and environment. The Area of Rescue System uses a public telephone line for voice communication.
Instant Alarm
Protect individuals in your building. In stressful and emergency situations, individuals can quickly communicate with the control station by simply pressing a button.
Visual Cues
A flashing light will notify the caller that the alarm has been received.
Voice Communication
Press the talk button to communicate with the control station.

Area of refuge signage is required by building codes, as well as ADA and NFPA 101 regulations, to ensure the call stations and safe refuge areas can be readily found. Signage also includes instructions to call for assistance. Signage can include directional, lighted room location, or instruction.

The Call Station works with the Rescue Assistance system to initiate a call to the master panel when the button is pressed, opening up a voice communication from master panel to the station.
The Annunciator Panel works with call stations opening up a voice communication from master panel to the station when a call is initiated at call station.