"In many workplaces, temperature screening efforts are likely to be most beneficial when conducted at home by individual workers, with employers’ temperature screening plans relying on workers’ self-monitoring and staying home if they have a fever or other signs or symptoms of illness, rather than employers directly measuring temperatures after workers arrive at the work site.” OSHA's Guidance to Returning to Work (https://www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA4045.pdf)

With vIDix iREPORT, all individuals who enter your building, business, project site or campus can respond to screening questions using their personal device or kiosk based on the latest guidelines from the CDC.
Alleviate the new risks and liabilities to your business caused by COVID-19.
Creating a “Safe Workspace” for your employees, customers and vendors has never been more challenging. vIDix iREPORT can help you plan and navigate the new business environment.
Easily view site information and be ready to notify potentially exposed individuals based on Contact Tracing guidelines set forth by Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Use for Employees, Customers, Visitors & Vendors
Searchable Contact Report History
Gather Information Prior To or Upon Arrival
Symptom and Exposure Self Screening
Contact sales@bankoe.com or 952-888-6688 for more information.